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AI-powered Workspace optimization



The acceleration of artificial intelligence (AI) based solutions over the last decade allows businesses, stores, and assembly lines to gain real-time insights that vastly improve efficiency and productivity. The growth in computing power and connectivity from 4G and 5G technology means deep learning algorithms can track workspaces more effectively than human-operated systems. 



The Technology


Workspace cameras are installed within high traffic zones, using sensor fusion to detect humans and other targets. A deep learning framework, known as computer vision, translates the footage into data, allows machines to develop valuable business insights. Where traditional systems record footage and relay that back to human operators, Phenx AI can identify and classify objects, reacting to what it sees, and augmenting decisions.


The example on the left shows a workspace with six cameras. Each device has a sensor installed. The sensor converts what it sees into telemetric data. Yellow hotspots signify points where people are moving slowly, flagging for congestion, or waiting to work at different stations. Beyond that, the technology can show if footfall speeds vary depending on direction or time of day. The data that the business receives is critical to optimize efficiency. The results from the example above could be:

  • Is the equipment placed in the most appropriate locations for easy access?

  • Is there enough space between workstation to allow people to pass each other

  • Do any machines need upgrading to avoid waiting times?

survey by Gallup shows that of 25% of US workers work between 45-59 hours per week but only complete about 3 hours of work per day. Technology can help to highlight the bottlenecks and create more efficient workspaces.


The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing workspaces and retail stores to adapt to new rules around social distancing in recent times. Reuters spoke with several analytics companies that are adding offerings in light of coronavirus. AI can produce reports to help safeguard people and mitigate crowding issues. The software highlights spots where people are clumping together in busy areas, tagging those who cannot distance, or even highlight if they are not wearing masks.  As a result, new processes are put in place, or people are given masks instantly after a human operator is alerted by the AI platform. 

A further application could be in retail stores to track human traffic in different areas. AI can derive insight into products that are not getting seen and augment decisions on where to place stock. Furthermore, it can present information on how people interact with products, such as when they pick them up and put them down, inferring possible barriers with the purchase decision process. For example, if people are always picking an item up but not purchasing it, the store may need to investigate the packaging and product details. 

Phenx ensures that AI is made accessible and at an affordable price. The automated solution allows businesses to make decisions quickly, often in real-time, and adapt to ever-changing situations. | Cincinnati, OH

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